Sheldon Green

Sheldon Green


P.Eng., B.A.Sc. (University of Toronto), M.A.Sc., Ph.D. (Caltech), FASME, FCAE, Member TAPPI

phone: (604) 822-0497
website:  Applied Fluid Mechanics Laboratory
office: CEME 2058
Selected Awards
  • Dean’s Excellence in Service Award, The University of British Columbia, 2017.

Research Interests

  • Industrial fluid mechanics
  • Liquid friction modifier application to surfaces
  • Electrospraying onto a moving surface
  • Paper creping
  • Paper pressing
  • Energy recovery ventilators

Current Research Work

Friction modifier is a product applied to railroad wheels or rails to maintain the friction between the wheel and the rail at an optimal level. Too low a coefficient of friction can cause derailment or the inability to climb a slope, and too high a coefficient results in excessive fuel consumption and track wear and noise. In collaboration with the multinational company LB Foster, we study, experimentally and analytically, the efficient application of liquid friction modifier to railroad tracks or wheels. We have also begun to explore the feasibility of using electrospraying to coat railroad tracks from a moving train. Academic collaborators for these projects are Professors Boris Stoeber and Neil Balmforth.

Creping is the process that is used to generate toilet paper, paper towel, and other important consumer products from a paper sheet. The quality of the creping process affects the softness, strength, and absorbency of the creped paper. Professor Srikantha Phani and I are collaborating with a consortium of four companies (FP Innovations, Kruger Products, Solenis, and Albany) to understand paper creping, using a combination of analytical and experimental methods.

In a paper machine, the pulp mat leaving the forming section is about 80% water by weight. To reduce the energy consumed in the drying section, and to improve the paper consolidation, the paper is pressed before drying. We carry out unique experiments to understand paper pressing mechanics (industrial collaborator: AstenJohnson; academic collaborator: Professor Boris Stoeber).

Professor Steven Rogak and I are collaborating with Core Energy Recovery Solutions to understand the complex heat and mass transfer processes in energy recovery ventilators. This research combines experimental techniques and analysis.

Selected Publications

  • Agarwal, S., Green, S., and Phani, S., “Modelling and simulation of anisotropic crosslinked cellulose fiber networks with an out-of-plane topography”, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 32, 045006, March 2024.
  • Mahdavi, H., Stoeber, B., and Green, S., “Optical Measurement of Paper Moisture Content with Application in Paper Pressing”, Cellulose, 31, 2557-2570, February 2024.
  • Aminian, B., Abadi, I. R., Huizing, R., Green, S., and Rogak, S., “The Influence of Membrane Deflection on Energy Exchanger Performance”, Energy and Buildings, 296, October 2023.
  • Liu, A., Balmforth, N., Stoeber, B., and Green, S.I., “Impingement of a circular liquid jet on a moving wall”, Physical Review Fluids, 8, 094101, September 27, 2023.
  • Agarwal, S., Green, S., and Phani, S., “On the tensile response of low-density formed fiber networks”, Mechanics Research Communications,130 104128, May 2023.
  • Hajieghrary, O., Stoeber, B., and Green, S., “A light extinction-based concentration measurement in two phase gas-solid flow”, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 164 104446, July 2023.
  • Agarwal, S., Srivastava, P., Green, S., and Phani, S., “The influence of microstructure on the tensile properties of a creped tissue paper: modelling and experiments”, Mechanics of Materials, vol. 176, 104505, 2023.
  • Rostami, A., Stoeber, B., and Green, S., “Experimental investigation of substrate roughness effects on high-acceleration film splitting”, Experiments in Fluids, 63(11), 176, 2022. doi:10.1007/s00348-022-03526-2
  • Liu, A., Green, S., Stoeber, B., and Balmforth, N., “Flow of a shallow film over a moving surface”, Physics of Fluids, vol. 34, no.8, 2022. doi:10.1063/5.0099587
  • Aminian, B., Abadi, I. R., Rogak, S., and Green, S., “A Contact-based Technique for Measurement of Membrane Tension”, Measurement Science and Technology, vol. 33(11), 115109, 2022.
  • Abadi, I. R., Aminian, B., Huizing, R., Rogak, S., and Green, S., “Orientation Dependent Permeability in Asymmetric Composite Membranes”, Journal of Membrane Science, vol. 652, 120474, 2022.
  • Abadi, I. R., Aminian, B., Huizing, R., Green, S., and Rogak, S., “Modelling Condensation in Energy Exchangers with Variable Permeability Membranes”, Energy and Buildings, vol. 262, 112015, 2022.
  • Rahmani, H., Gutsulyak, D, Stanlake, L, Stoeber, B., and Green, S., “Carrydown of Liquid Friction Modifier”, Proceedings of the IMECH E Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, vol. 236, no. 9, 2022. doi:10.1177/09544097221076258
  • Rahmani, H., Stoeber, B., Balmforth, N., and Green, S.I., “Lubricated rolling over a pool”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 934:A4, pp.1-24, 2022.
  • Abadi, I. R., Aminian, B., Nasr, M.R., Huizing, R., Green, S., and Rogak, S., “Experimental Investigation of Condensation in Energy Recovery Ventilators”, Energy and Buildings, 256:111732, 2022. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2021.111732
  • Roberts, J.J. and Green, S.I., “Experimental Study of Locomotive Sanding”, Proceedings of the IMECH E Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, vol. 235, no.3, pp. 265-274, March 2021. doi:10.1177/0954409720923219
  • Das, R., Pan, K., Phani, S., and Green, S., “Creped Tissue Paper: A Microarchitected Fibrous Network”, Advanced Engineering Materials, vol. 23, issue 2, February 2021. doi:10.1002/adem.202000777
  • Gautam, A. and Green, S.I., “Computational fluid dynamics-discrete element method simulation of locomotive sanders”, Proceedings of the IMECH E Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, vol. 235, no. 1, pp. 12-21, January 2021. doi:10.1177/0954409720902897
  • Engarnevis, A., Huizing, R., Green, S., and Rogak, S., “Fouling of composite water vapor transport membranes by aerosol nanoparticles”, Journal of Membrane Science, vol. 614, 15 November 2020, 118440. doi:10.1016/j.memsci.2020.118440
  • Sylvester, A., Engarnevis, A., D. Kadylak, Huizing, R., Rogak, S., and Green, S.I. “Numerical and experimental analysis of forced convection in rib-roughened channels with moisture-permeable walls”, AIChE Journal, 66(2), pp.1-12, February 2020. doi:/10.1002/aic.16801
  • Pan, K., Phani, A.S., and Green, S.I., “Periodic Folding of a Falling Viscoelastic Sheet”, Physical Review E, vol. 101, 013002, Jan. 2020.

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